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No New Posts Shantytown

The largest squatter settlement living off the dregs of Dusk City's riches is called Shantytown. It is a slum settlement of impoverished people who live in ramshackle dwellings made from scrap materials: plywood, corrugated metal and sheets of plastic. The place is heartbreakingly poor, but the people are determined and cheerful.

1 2 -Waking Up-
by aidan
Apr 11, 2013 4:27:54 GMT -5
No New Posts Dusk City

Although it was small during the canon Wolf's Rain timeline, Dusk City has since grown exponentially. It is an enormous, sprawling bubble-city with a thriving commerce. It looks the apocalypse in the eye and laughs. The poor live under the feet of the rich, here, and none are richer than Dusk City's ambitious Noble, Lord Charnel.

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Western Dusklands

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Western Dusklands
The area to the west of the continent is known colloquially as "the dusklands" because, for whatever reason, the sun's light is poor. The area is monopolized by Dusk City - the few smaller towns surrounding it are at Lord Charnel's mercy.
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